Monday, May 9, 2011

Wait Until It's Time - Short Story Skit

My Skit Idea - Turning Nightmare into Live Stage show

The scene involves two actors and a chair.

We see the back of chair where a mother rabbit is sitting knitting. A child rabbit hops in from behind tapping her on the shoulder, asking if it is time to go to the park. The mother keeps turning her head shaking her head back and forth telling the child, "No, not until later. You will have to Wait!"

The little child then turns around and leaves the room where her mother goes back to work on her knitting. The child was to wait until after the mother is done knitting.

This happens this time the mother's eyes peer over the chair looking away from her work shaking her head and singing the short song.

"No 'little child, it's still not time, you need to wait! you need to wait!"

Again the little child turns around and leaves the room where her mother goes back to work on her knitting. The child was to wait until after the mother is done knitting.

Not nearly one minute later, sure enough the child came back into the room

The mother stood up when she heard her, this time a little angrier.

"No 'little child, you need to Wait! You need to Wait! You need to Wait!"

And again the little girl turned and left the room. She had to wait until her mother had completed her knitting.

But sure enough the child grew tired of waiting and thought I am going ask at least one more time, to see if it was time.

She reached over the chair to tap her mother on the shoulder. And again her mother turned with a arresting look on her face saying. Why yes, it is time to go child, let me get the car keys. The mother put down her knitting and took the child's hand as they both left the room together heading towards the door . . .


When knitting with a five year old . . .

make an exact time . . .

then when you tell them . . .

they will know what time rather than keep guessing and bothering you.