Electric Richard (Mouth Closed)
I completed making eight puppets yesterday. The heads were from a hollow plastic easter egg with a stick going thru it allowing the puppeteer to operate the mouth and rotate the head.
There is actually a straw that is slightly bigger that fits around the 6 mm stick. The straw fits up inside the lower half of the shell through a hole I drilled with a drill bit.
You use a small amount of hot glue from a glue gun to fasten together the straw (to the lower shell) and the stick to the upper shell. (The straw must have been split allowing for 4 flaps.
After you glued your items you have to find a safe place to allow it to dry. Make sure the upper egg shell is straight.
(Spring and Rubber Band)
After the hard part is done then you can simply choose the eyes, nose, hair etcetera to decorate your character. I found it's best to imagine what you want first and then match it's personality visually.
Lastly you can add arms by gluing thinner straws. Use the straws that bend for elbows and add wire to the hands to make them move.
I found the simple cardboard/foam core display from Office Max works excellent as a stage to allow the performer to be hidden. You just have to add a wooden stick on each corner to keep it from falling over. Tape the stick to the ground or put something heavy to hold it down and your really to go!
Characters name left to right: 1)Electric Richard - 2)Melvin - 3)Puppy - 4)Bob - 5)Clarence the Clown - 6)Chloe the Bowie- 7)Green Steve - 8)Wood Chop